Thoughts Inside Me- Part 1

– A Childish attitude is about inculcating the attributes of a child which are present at a child’s body and mind level. But, a Childlike attitude is about inculcating the attributes that are present at Soul level of a child. A Child’s soul is all about Surrender, Faith and Unconditional Love…This is why Jesus said that we need to be childlike to enter the world of God. 

– Many of us ask each other ‘How’s life treating you?’ And we answer, Bas! cut rahi hai aase-taise!!  Be assure of the fact that life is tailor-made to treat us nicely. It’s our own actions that create problems in our evolution. So, instead turn the question and ask ‘How are you treating your life?’

– There is a big difference between gaining ‘Knowledge’ and gaining ‘Wisdom’. Knowledge is a process of learning/  knowing and following. While Wisdom starts where knowledge stops. It’s a process of learning, unlearning and relearning. First you learn from outside and then whatever has been learnt is shed completely. Once this   stage happens, it opens the door for a new understanding to come-in, which is based on real life experiences. So, let’s not just stop by knowing something, let’s analyse and introspect how I experienced/ can experience this in my life. The reason that M.K. Gandhi became Mahatma Gandhi and Siddhartha Gautam became Gautam Buddha lies in rising from knowledge to wisdom ♥

– Do you know why the Leaning Tower of Pisa is called as ‘leaning’? It’s because of its weak foundation. The land from one side was softer than the other which created this tilt in tower. Isn’t this tower talking so much about our relationships? Our years of investment with love, care, compassion, discussion, sharing in any relationship builds this tower, while it can only be strong and straight when the foundation is strong. In relationship, the foundation is nothing but TRUST. More is the element of trust, the longer will the tower stay.

– At times while listening to people about their issues in life, I often hear from them, “How great they’d have done if that incident had not been there”, “How well they’d have done if that person had not come to their life”, “How happy they’d have if such health problem had not come to them”. Sometime thousands of words are spoken focusing how they have been victimized by people & situations. This is the time when I usually put across a pair of my favourite questions which I keep asking to self when in problem. The question is, “Had that problem/ person/ issue not been there, would you be here where you are right now?”, “Had that problem/ person/ issue not been there, would you ever look for deeper meaning in life?” And here comes the silence from the other side. The answer that I receive is “No!”. Sometimes, only by asking these questions to self with our pure intention will bring the healing into us and settle turmoil within. Our life is tailor made friends! And we don’t add anything into it which is less than THE BEST. It is quite possible that the Best may not be Easy or Self-Approved at physical plane but this is the way that lets us grow.

– Many of us knowingly or unknowingly fight with the problem of weight management. We make so much effort to eat less and at times totally abstain ourselves from our favourite food. We create such an issue of our weight that whatever we eat; we eat it with GUILT sending a signal to body that every bite is putting weight on me. Friends! It is very important to notice what energy are we having food with? Whatever we eat, let’s eat it with a positive energy that everything is giving the right amount of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to the body. Once we start to send right signal to the body, we start to improve.

–  How many times you feel that people misunderstand / blame you for no reason? If such is the case, it is the time to ask a question to yourself, How many times you misunderstand/ blame others for no reason? This question starts to bring lots of insights. Our relationships are mirrors, friends! What a relationship reflects is what you show to the mirror. It is our own energy that starts to reflect, so if I show blame, it will reflect blame and If I show Love, it will reflect Love. The rule is simple, If I have grown beard, I can’t clean the mirror to show me a better picture, I need to shave and clean my face first to look better. So start to clean yourself to look good in the mirror called RELATIONSHIP

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